Tuesday, February 5, 2008

I really want to do the hand-jive right now, but I don't remember how and I don't feel like watching Grease to find out.

"Blogging is for old folks -you know, like for married people." That's what I've been told. However, I am neither old, nor married. But perflaps opeing a blog will catalyze my inclination for getting married. Don't worry people, I'm not a typical BYU female student who has conceived some conventional story of mr. prince charming sweeping me off my feet. First of all, I go to UVSC. Second of all, my fairy-tale story involves a Junior Bacon Cheeseburger (not conventional).

Nevermind that nonsences. I guess what I'm really tying to say is that I'm going to give this blog thing a whirl and see what happens.


Cali said...

Hey! That's happy you got a blog. :) I think I might be able to make an arrangement with the cheesburger thing.

Anonymous said...

Good for you Al! Now I'll more reading material while i'm at work and should be working instead. I'll stay tuned.... so keep blogging. :)

kenna said...

YES! I'm so happy I could eat a cheesburger. Blogging is great, blogging is grand, if you blog more I'll buy you a cheesburger too that you can eat with your hand. (did you catch the rhyme? yaya?)