Over the summer I lived in Wyoming and worked at this small resort called The Hatchet. It was located about an hour north of Jackson Hole (and any grocery store and lets face it- most civilization) in the county of Moran. Yeah, I didn't actually live in a "town" because it was so rural. Which was kind of good, because I lived in some of the most beautiful country. Our apartment was smack dab in the middle of a mountain side. I actually saw a black bear off the side of this dirt road a couple miles away from the apartment once. He was cool, just stood there waiting for me to go pet him or slap some honey my head. Luckly I didn't have time to do so because I was running late for work and forgot my honey.

So this was the first time I had really lived away from home. Lets just say I got a little home sick :P Thank goodness my friend Becca joined me a month into the summer. I really don't know what I would have done without her! The only thing we had for entertainment at the apartment (beside books and each other) was her lap-top (free of internet), the 1st and 2nd season of F-Troop, and the entire collection of the Dean Martin Variety Show.

Whoa!? I'm not sure exactly how this picture got here . . . ahem . . . er . . . next! (tee hee!)
That's better :) The lovely Becca Sue Jeppsen and Me on a freaking amazing horse ride. We made it to the top - but not entirely free of harm. I lost hold of Dancers reins once and he trotted (at quite a good speed, mind you!) into an ample course of large trees. The crew was amazed I stayed on the horse because I broke off quite a few colossal branches with my body. Yeah, it hurt real bad, but I survied that near-death experience and learned I have a body of steel. Watch out, foo!
Whelp, I've got nothing else for ya. That's all folks!
Oh, P.S. I cut 6 inches off my hair... woot!