Monday, June 23, 2008

CHILE!! (it's what's for dinner)

I've yet to announce via blogger that I received a lovely white package in the mail on Friday. It had my name on it, too! Come October 15th, I will enter the Empty Sea (MTC) as a sister missionary called to the Chile, Rancagua mission! I can't wait to see what Chile has in store for me, I can't wait for the people and for the experiences that I will get to experience.

Saturday night I went on a mini road trip down to this town called Manti to see the production called The Mormon Miracle Pageant. On the way home, we, the contents of Kelli's car, had quite the hyperactive adventure that was most likely a result of all the candy we bought at Lee's Candy Store on the way down.

We decided to go around and make top 5 lists, like favorite books, best place to kiss, worst place to have a baby, and so forth. One of the lists we made was our bucket list; 5 things we wanted to do before we died. Without prior thought to the subject, I volunteered to go first and these are the things in order that I thought of. I wonder if my list and the order "means" anything. Maybe I should ask that crazy "horse whisperer" lady what she thinks of it.

1. Ride and elephant
2. Go to Australia
3. Hold a baby koala bear
4. Get married
5. Break the sound barrier riding something fast (not a bicycle)

Chris, being the master of "lists" said that number 4 didn't count because generally all of us want to get married before death, but I don't think I ever thought of a new one. Reminiscing about last night's lists reminded me of My 100 Life Goals List that I made clear back when I was a Junior in hike skool. There's actually only 57 goals on said list, but theoretically I was supposed to add to it whenever I thought of a new one, it just never went down. I really found it interesting going over the list to see what I had on it back then... I know, it was only 4 years ago, but it's a good indicator of what was important to me then.

Here are some things I DID complete:

go to a rock concert
have my first kiss
go to senior prom
pass AP psych test
get a pair of "scissors" at Joann's Fabric (scissors are received when you did something outstanding)
sell art

Here are some goals that I did NOT complete:

get at least a 26 on the ACT
keep my Snow scholarship (lost it after the first semester)
be on a winning softball team while in city league

And a few goals I've YET to complete:

Find out how old Mr. Strange is
go on a mission (this really was number 4 on my list :D )
have pretty vibrato when I sing
see an original Sanzio Raphael painting

I think that I will resurrect my 100 Life Goals List and add on as number 58 to "actually get to 100" yeah, that sounds good.

One more matter of friends are incredible. Yesterday, as I was visiting another apartment, I stopped in my own apartment to grab something before ward prayer. When I opened the door, there was a "SURPRISE!" from a handful of my friends. And I was very surprised. More people came and we had a belated birthday party catered by Char, who made splendid cupcakes which later turned into the ammunition to the food fight that went down. One point I looked around at the apartment full of people that I love dearly and that I'm so incredibly blessed to know and realized I'm probably the luckiest girl alive. I honestly don't what I did to be blessed with so many wonderful people (not just friends, but family too) in my life. It was also Jess's B-day so we called her and sang to her too!

It was my favorite :)


Anonymous said...

"Empty Sea"??? that's funny.

Anonymous said...

Que emocionante! Ahora,podemos hablar el espanol al regresar de tu mision! No conosco mucho de Chile, pero se que ellos hablen espanol; y vas a tener que aprenderlo rapido. Pero es facil aprender, de verdad, vas a conquistar la idioma. Oh freak! I forgot your birthday! Oh i suck. I remembered your mission call, but not your birthday. Dangit. You have better friends than cousin here. Happy belated birthday...

Jess Gonzales said...

That's so cool that you have completed all of those goals, that's awesome! I should probably do that, it would be sweet! Do I have to do it in any particular order?

Jenn said...

Ahhh!!! Oh my word how incredibly exciting! I'm so happy for you! You're going to be the best Sister Miss. ever! Love ya!

-Special Mothertivity- said...

I'm so excited for you! You'll be a great missionary! :) Congratulations on your call!

Joseph, Julianna, Mason and Eli said...

hey! Congrats on your call! That is so exciting. I think girls that go on missions are amazing! Good luck!