Wednesday, June 11, 2008

false alarm

maybe next week :,(


kenna said...


Oh, and if you seemingly get random calls/blank texts from me...I'm sorry. My butt likes to call and text people, and you are the first name in my phone book.

I got a big butt and I cannot lie...

alison said...

I was supposta get my call this week...

Chris said...

Bummer, dude. Waiting is rough.

Anonymous said...

It could possibly have gotten delayed in the mail. No guarantees it's going to come on Wednesday. That could be the post office's fault. And why, oh why does it have to come on a Wednesday? Silly.

Anonymous said...

yeah, this girl i work with got her call today, it's been over three weeks. So, I'd plan to make this something special while you wait to take up the time, you know, how you're going to open it and where... it's gonna be cool.

Jess Gonzales said...

sorry. So I just realized that the shirt you are wearing in your profile pic it mine! CHEER UP! Cute!!