Saturday, July 12, 2008

Let's go on a drive...How about to FAIRVIEW!

Last night my ward had a Relief Society cabin retreat up Fairview Canyon.

I'll bet it was fun.

Jessie and I had every intention of going down, of chatting away with all the girlies, and of eating all the food that was prepared. We even drove to Fairview, drove up the canyon, and took every road that could possibly lead us to our destination.

I was supposed to go up with the "later girls," which ended up consisted of just me and Jessie. There was a printed off Yahoo map and directions pinned to my door, and all we had to do was follow it. Easy enough, right? HA.

We were down to just 2 more directions,

...10. Turn R on SKYLINE DR

TA DA! And there we were supposed to find lot #37. Here we were driving along the canyon, looking for Skyline Dr. when we see it! Skyling Dr. right there! But do you want to know the trippy part??? There was NO RIGHT TURN. There was only a road to our left and a sign pointing down that road that said Skyline Dr. Hmm. Maybe the directions were wrong. So far most of the mileage things ("go 1.4 mi") had been wrong. What does Yahoo know, anyway?

We took the Left, and looked for a bearing right that would put us on Fairview Lakes Dr..


To make a LONG story short, We took about every road possible on Skyling Dr. (trusting that the directions were wrong) and drove a good way on all of those roads and even pulled into a few of the lots looking for #37.


So after about 2 hours of exploring every dirt road in mountain (we put up a good fight), we cursed Fairview Canyon and drove home.

Some may say that it was a waste of time, gas, and money. And it was, but I think it's safe to say that Jessie and I had some fun-ish times in the process. I wont lie though, when we weren't singing at the top of our lungs to Wicked (and switching parts in the middle of the song, getting excited when we finally successfully harmonized), it was a little spooky driving around in the dark although neither of us would admit it then (we probably would have spooked ourselves if we did). Some frequent phrases that were used in our adventure were, "we've been down this road already!" "deer!" "Skyline Dr. Sucks." "I'm going to whiz my pants." and many more...

After Wicked, we listened to some other random CD's I had bouncing around in my car. Music inspires emotion, depending on previous relations to certain songs, or artists. We talked about this the whole way home, and shared experiences that brought on certain emotions relating to music. We even discussed the meaning of musical ethos, and tried to figure out how to properly use it in a sentence... We probably had a pretty sappy selection of music, because most of our conversation centered around love, hurt, and happiness. Then again, a lot of music is about just that. Sometimes it's really hard for me to explain how exactly I feel about a certain topic, or person. I can't put it in words, until I hear a song or two that can verbally explain just what I couldn't say in words. It's cool how it helps explain the unexplainable for me. Oh the genius of artists.

Anyway, point is, after a few prayers, half tank later, and good conversation, we made it home in Provo, safe and sound. We didn't find the stinky old cabin, but we did have a decent adventure in the process.

There, I blogged.


Kirsten said...

sounds like an adventure! my favorite part was the last line "there, i blogged" it sounded so...whats the word...well, like a little teenage girl who was just forced, against her will, to clean her room. haha. love it!

Jessie said...

that's a good story. I like your story telling skills. But might I just add that although it sounds funny now, it wasn't so funny when it actually happened. It was so frustrating! We seriously drove down every road for at least 10 miles (even though the paper said it should be within a mile), then turned around, went back, and tried another road. We did this about 5 times. But now we can just laugh about it! Oh and Al you also forgot to mention that we stopped at two different gas stations asking for directions... and we still didn't get there. We are lame!

Anonymous said...

problem #1: Yahoo. I've never found a totally correct map with them. Yahoo isn't Google.
At the end of your blog, you said, "There i blogged" it kind of reminded me of saying, "There i farted." when i first heard the word blog it reminded me of poo, or the bodily functions within that sphere. So to me, blogging could be farting, or
writing. It's a great convo starter.

Jess Gonzales said...

i concure with rory, yahoo isn't google! hahaha he's a funny kid! and my favorite part was "i'm going to whiz my pants"!!!! You two are funny and make me laugh!