Monday, February 22, 2010


Welp, I don`t have a ton to say this week, except that !ERNESTO SE BAUTIZÓ! And it was wonderful. He was soooo nervous! This whole week leading up to his baptism he`s been so nervous, but excited. Les cuento una historia… We told him about the interview that he was going to have to have with our district leader before his baptism. So he would know what to expect, but even though we did that he thought about it too much and just about made himself sick of anticipation. We went to see him the morning of his interview and he told us about how he was so worried about it that he was up until 1:00 in the morning praying that everything would be all right…. Oooh! This just about broke my heart! But we reassured him that everything would be alright. He told us he felt like a bride before her wedding (haha, I got a kick out of that, but he was serious!) He passed his interview with flying colors and proceeded to his baptism el Domingo. And it was wonderful. Though I sat by him in the baptismal program and I noticed while we were singing he was shaking. But you can see in the picture that I sent that he is such a sweet old man, and I have really enjoyed seeing his change and excitement to take this important step in his life.

Other great news…The other day we were knocking doors and found ourselves at the apartment of two little black girls from Colombia. There weren`t any adults there so we set an appointment for another day. Usually if they are little kids, we don`t set up appointments because it doesn`t really work out. But I REALLY wanted to teach them, because how often are you going to run into black people from Colombia?? They were cute too J So we went back yesterday and to our surprise the little girls were there, but their aunt and uncle (Monica and Jairo) were. And they invited us in!! And we taught them and it was a wonderful experience. They are smart people and very interested and especially interested in how the gospel helps families be happy. Sounds like they`re looking for some spiritual guidance and they felt that it was more than a coincidence that we were able to stop by. So I`ll keep you updated on them, I hope to meet the little girls too!

AND In 2 weeks Elder Scott is going to come and speak to OUR stake. And just our stake. Woohoo! I am excited for this J

ANNND, well that`s about it for this week, Thank you for writing me, I love my family so much.

Hasta luego!

Hna. Jones

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