Monday, March 31, 2008

Llamas, Body Surfing, and "Love Spit"

So Saturday I went to the Hare Krishna Color Fest. I tell you what, wow! It was color-ific! Every Year the Hares kick off spring by having a color fest... they do this by throwing colored chalk/powder stuff on each other and smearing it into their faces and clothes. Genius, I know. There were a few llamas that graced our presence (or did we grace theirs?), and also some sweet Indian music and dancing. At one point in the evening we all sing a "song" that goes like this:

"Hare Krishna Hare Krishna
Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama
Rama Rama Hare Hare"

And that "song" is repeated over and over again, kind of like a chant. It's catchy, and really easy to remember. Jess asked Mike what it means, and he said it's probably:

"I sell my soul, I sell my sould
Here it is, here it is,
Take it."

I don't know, really that seems extreme, but Mike was convinced. It didn't matter to me, I was just enjoying the atmosphere :)

There's this guy that took hundreds of pictures with a real nice camera, and he gave everyone permission to use his pics... SO, I'm gonna use his pics since they are a little better than mine...

The explosion of colors starts when they light the witch, and burn her down.

That's the witch! They burned her.

Then the colors fly!

It's amazing, isn't it? You going to be there next year, Cali?

And what would a festival of colors be without body surfing? No, really, you tell me.

If you couldn't tell by the lack of quality and creativity, this is me (with my camera)!

Check it. I have headband-head!

Pretty sweet, eh? I'm still blowing pink snot.

And completely off topic... My roommate is amazing. Look what I found sitting on my bed when I came home last night...

Cute, huh? And just for reference, that's "love spit" there below smiley's mouth. I wasn't sure, I had to ask Nat. hehe.


Jessie said...

love it! And I got one of them balloons too. Nat's awesome!

ps I hope your snot turns back to normal yucky color soon. Although pink is cool. But if you blow too much out I'll have to wonder if it's your brains coming out. Are brains pink? Well any-whooo...

Oh and can I just say, Mike is freakin hilarious!

kenna said...

I was so sad I missed it. Sigh...there is always next year I suppose.

Anonymous said...

Now why don't you ever tell me about this event? Am I too old to attend? I LOVE body surfing! And pink snot.

Cali said...

Yes I'm going to be there next year... I guess the hassle of the crowds held me back, but next time I'm totally going, that looks so fun!

The Squires' Fam said...

I have heard of the Color Fest before but I never really knew what it was. Know that I know I will totally be there next year for sure!

Kirsten said...

i finally found your blog! happy day! oh, and i'm in some of those pictures that guy took. random huh? so much fun though! love ya tons! i'm glad i have another way to keep in touch with you now. :)

Anonymous said...

you crazy kids, why don't you wear your shoes? Mom really does love pink snot. It's everywhere at the house.

Aaron said...

I went there last year and it was awesome!! I did feel a little like all us BYU students were being a little disrespectful to their temple, but they didn't seem to mind. I guess it's just different religions view of temples. Fun stuff though, sorry i missed it this year, next year for sure! BTW i just made a blog check it out

Cali said...

Okayyyyyyyyyy You've been back for two days now and I'm still waiting for vacation pictures.....

Kylee said...


You are having so much fun with life.
Well it looks like it to me anyways.
I love your blog!
We need to catch up in person now!
Oh yes. Oh yes.
That is one crazy snot...seriously...I'm there.
Oh and You are an amazing artist. Yeah. sheesh. It's cool how us 3 girls were all artists. I don't think we realized it. Am I just out of the loop here or what? Hum anyways, love is in the air, I also left you a gigantimus comment.

It's cute though.