Sunday, March 9, 2008

must have done something right

"We should get jerseys cuz we make a good team
but yours would look better than mine cuz you're out of my league."

I'm just sayin'...


Cali said...

Your car was filled with three boys???? *low whistle*

Anonymous said...

Yeah, that's my girl.... spending spring break with 3 boys. What a party babe!

Anonymous said...

Ok Al... time for a new blog! You can do it, I know you can! That's a big girl! Don't let the pressure get to ya but we're all tapping our toes waiting for some cheap entertainment.

Anonymous said...

where's the bogs Dude? You on vacation?

The Squires' Fam said...

Yeah, so I am with your Dad. Your a SLACKER! Just kidding it's not like i am doing any better though.