Monday, February 11, 2008

Hey kid, want some candy? Why yes, sir, I do!

When I started this blog I didn't think I was going to actually continue it. It was one of those, "It's late, I don't want to go to bed, and I'm tired of blogstalking my sisters friends" sort of thing (there I admit it, I'm creepy). I have been hesitant to mainain a real blog because I don't really know how or what to blog about. I was talking to my sister the other day (who regulates an excellent blog) about my concerns and she told me about this book that was recommened to her that is a "blogging for dummies" kind of thing. There's a book on this?? How about I just say what's on my mind and not worry about what people may think a good blog is.

That's where I run into a road block. I wouldn't say it's entirely like me to just open up and spill my guts. First of all, it's sort of been a struggle of mine to express my thoughts, feelings - anything - to people coherently. My words often tend to jumble into a mumble and more often than not I just flat out don't have words to say. But I do believe weaknesses can become strenghts, and that why we're here, to make them better, yeah? So I've been trying this "thing" that goes like this: Just talk to people, it's not that hard. Especially people I don't know too well. I was always kind of afraid of talking to strangers, and I thought if I would, I wouldn't be able to open up very well.

Not true.

I have realized I don't seem to have too many reservations about the things I tell complete strangers (don't worry mom, I don't tell anyone anything that could endanger myself). Let's take Barbara, for example. She is my 831 bus driver to UVSC. It takes a good 40-50 minutes to ride to school depending on the time of day and/or stupid drivers, so we have had a lot of time to talk. We have shared a lot about our families, the church, our views on politics, etc. Our converstations have gone pretty deep. I guess you could say she's not really a stranger anymore. But I have gotten in a few good converstations with people I've only seen once. Maybe that's why I'm so open - I don't worry about them passing judgment because I know I probably wont ever see them again.

I have been in a personal bubble way too long, I'm bursting free, and it's liberating!

Yup, UTA does an awkward person good. It's best to sit up front where the seats face each other. That often times uncomfortable eye contact that happens because it's human nature to want to observe another entity can turn into a light (or sometimes deep) conversation. You can take a small glimps into another persons life, doing this makes me happy because people are just plain cool.

Wow, where was I getting with this?

Oh yes, "back to life, back to reality." I'm going to try not to worry about what people think (all 4 of you)and just let my typing fingers go, (as I have done so generously in this post!)

Well, good night!


Jessie said...

Wow, what a good post! I think you do a great job of expressing yourself coherently and also you are my hero for talking to strangers =D

Tyler said...

Hey! I know where that picture was taken! Beauty...

Cali said...

Thanks for the compliment yo, although I maintain it's not really that great of a blog. For the record, I haven't actually read that book, only heard of it. I just thought you might like it, seein's how you didn't know what to write about. But you don't really seem to need it, so there you go.